From overwhelming anxiety to peace and happiness in her own hands! “I was always overwhelmed with anxiety and stress and a friend recommended that I go to Pankaj. I was amazed to find the

From overwhelming anxiety to peace and happiness in her own hands! “I was always overwhelmed with anxiety and stress and a friend recommended that I go to Pankaj. I was amazed to find the
The Pankaj Method® gave her time for herself and her dreams “Before attending Pankaj’s workshop, I never had time for myself. Since the workshop, my life has become quite
She stopped suffering and became confident “Attending Mr.Gupta’s workshop has empowered me for the rest of my life. I feel more confident now that I can clear
The Pankaj Method® changed her life 100 fold “My introduction to Pankaj was made early in 2012, ever since my life has changed a 100 fold positively. I had multiple
I lost 5kgs at the weekend session I was able to lose 5kg of weight with Pankaj’s guidance during his workshop. I did not change my food intake or increase
The Pankaj Method® enabled her to conceive after trying for 3.5 years “After trying to conceive for almost 3.5 years, I finally became pregnant within 2 months of attending Pankaj’s workshop after
Two year old spinal pain from an Epidural shot cured within two minutes “I got rid of a two year old, constant, severe point of pain in my spinal cord due to the epidural injection…
Three year old spinal pain cured within minutes by Pankaj “After a cesarean childbirth, my spine was in pain because of the Epidural shot I was given. This pain persisted for 3 years