About Us

Pankaj cures most incurable inconditions

He is also an internationally renowned teacher who can teach you how to heal yourself and prevent pain and diseases

Pankaj Gupta has been healing people for 20 years and is one of the most experienced healers and teachers in the world today. He was educated as an optical-electronics engineer and was running his engineering and other businesses when he learned how to heal himself of incurable pains and migraines he had since he was a child. He was immediately inspired to show people that they don’t have to suffer, and began healing them. Word quickly spread about his healings and in a few years he moved away from his businesses to heal and teach people full-time. His practice grew all over India within a year, and across the world the following year - simply by word-of-mouth.

Pankaj started by learning tapping The Pankaj Method® to heal himself and others. He began teaching it only after years of practice and research. During that time he also learned other healing methods which he either rejected, or incorporated into his healing practice. He also studied, and continues to study, ‘energy and healing’ as an engineer. What sets him apart in this field are the surprising results his clients get through his healings. "This is because I have studied healing as a science and practice it as an engineer", he says. "Engineering is problem-solving. To solve problems you must find out the exact cause. The ground-breaking results I get is because of my sharp diagnostic skills and my deep understanding of the science of energy healing that enables me to design the best, most accurate treatment for the client. I have more than one energy 'tool' to treat people and the treatment I design is customized to treat the problem in the fastest way possible, to give permanent relief to the client." says Pankaj, describing his scientific method - The Pankaj Method®, in a nutshell.

Pankaj conducts workshops mostly on weekends, and during the week he heals people, gives them guidance, life-skills, emotional knowledge and introspective awareness to help them improve the quality of their health, relationships and wealth. He works with celebrities, home-makers, business tycoons, children and everyone in-between. Most of his corporate clients are multi-billion dollar companies.
He has helped thousands of people improve their relationships, health, careers, etc. Based in Singapore, people from all over the world come to learn from him or heal with him. He also does healings and workshops online for people around the world. Many invite him to their countries because of his deep knowledge of the mind-body connection and his uncanny ability to seamlessly put together all parts of the health and happiness puzzle and present it in a simple, logical manner that anyone can understand. He has been interviewed and covered by national and local newspapers and international TV channels.
In addition to The Pankaj Method® healing and energizing sessions and other self-empowerment workshops, corporate workshops, and keynote speeches, he is available for private consultations and healings.

Success stories

USA: No pain, all gain…for this hairdresser who is bursting with energy after The Pankaj Method®

SINGAPORE: Knee-replacement surgery averted by The Pankaj Method®. 25 year old Arthritis pain gone!

SINGAPORE: Incurable pains, constipation, insomnia and grief gone with The Pankaj Method®

Arthritis healed completely, shoulder is fully functional without surgery (recommended by doctors)

USA: Hashimoto’s healed completely, premature aging reversed with The Pankaj Method®

DUBAI: Brain Stroke survivor heals completely in one month with The Pankaj Method®

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