
Live the Life You Want

Heal, energize and grow with Pankaj over 2 days– The Pankaj Method® workshop gives you tools and teachings to heal yourself and prevent pain and disease, to increase your Energy and keep it high, and many life-changing teachings. It has an immediate and long-term impact on your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
This workshop has been held since 2007 in New York, Los Angeles, London, Barcelona, Singapore, New Orleans, Sydney, Istanbul, Bali, Jakarta, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Buenos Aires, Cusco, Mackay, Tehran, and Port Harcourt.
This elegantly simple and powerful module has been designed by Pankaj Gupta over twenty years of research and experience. He was trained as an engineer and was a successful entrepreneur who over time moved away from his businesses to help people around the world transform their lives.

During and after this workshop you can make permanent shifts in all areas of your life including:

  • Weight loss
  • Relief from chronic aches, pains and diseases
  • Moving from anxiety and phobias, to peace and strength
  • Releasing heartache, depression and grief to return to Joy
  • Increasing the flow of success and abundance
  • Reduced conflicts and loneliness
  • Improved and joyful relationships
  • Attitude correction and empowerment
  • Remaining peaceful, balanced and fulfilled in most situations
  • Freedom from addictions and complusive behaviours, and more..

Register Now

Attend online from anywhere

Australia, New Zealand and Asia
Click here
Aug. 6-7, 2022
North and South America
Click here
Aug. 12-14, 2022
Western Australia, Asia, Europe and Africa
Click here
Aug. 20-21, 2022
Click here
Aug. 6-7, repeats on
Aug. 20-21, 2022

The Live The Life You Want workshop will be held again from January 2022. No dates will be announced for December 2021. To receive the dates by email enter your name, email address, and country here.

This workshop can give you complete control of your life, and your new-found understanding and power will keep you relaxed throughout the rest of your life.
You will also be empowered with the ability to get permanent relief from emotional pain (hurt, anger, loneliness, fear etc), physical pain (migraines, joint pains, allergies, etc.), and mental distress (anxiety, complexes, failures, guilt, low confidence etc.)
You will also resolve personal issues and relationships at the workshop, without having to share any personal information with others in the group. You will leave the workshop feeling much better than you are feeling now. The shifts you make at the workshop are permanent. Read what attendees have to say about this workshop – click here

Lunch, refreshments and course materials are provided.
You can re-attend the Live The Life You Want workshop for a small fraction of the fee as often as you wish.
You can attend free 2 hour follow-up workshops every month in person or online to get continued guidance from Pankaj.

The Brain Surgery
3-day sessions

The Pankaj Method® module for success
Learn and use advanced applications of The Pankaj Method®, and go through powerful energy processes to change your thinking to one of success.
This module “makes miracles mundane”, says Pankaj. It is the most popular module conceived by Pankaj. To understand the unbelievable power of The Brain Surgery modules read students’ success stories here.
The Pankaj Method®‘s advanced transformation module gives you much greater control of your reality. This workshop is done in small groups so seats are very limited.

While spectacular results are very common for people who complete this 3-day workshop, they are as varied as the students themselves. The success-rate is so high that this is by far the most popular module among Pankaj’s students and clients.

The understanding you receive at this workshop along with the changes you make, help you to live an easier, fulfilling life, one that is much closer to your dream life.

To register for this module you need to complete the Live The Life You Want session. Please write to for registration information for The Brain Surgery.

The Success Module, also known as Brain Surgery is a 3-day workshop that will be held in:

SingaporeJan 17-19, 2020
New OrleansJan 24-26, 2020

To register write to

Co-create a workshop with Pankaj in your city

If your city is not listed in the workshops calendar and if you have a group of people interested in attending workshops with Pankaj Gupta, please contact us

The Pankaj Method® For Teens

This workshop helps teenagers improve concentration, performance and results, reduce adolescent pressures, and balance relationships. Please send us an email if you wish to find out when this workshop is being held next.
To co-create a half-day workshop for a group of teenagers please send us an email at

Follow-Up/Continuation Workshops

Sutained transformations in a guided setting
Details are emailed to students who have completed the Live The Life You Want workshop. -> Sustained transformation with expert guidance. These free 2-hour workshops are held 1-2 times a month and students can attend the as often as they wish.

Success stories

USA: Hashimoto’s can be reversed completely with The Pankaj Method®

INDIA: With incurable pain from Epidural shots in the spine healed permanently, she lost 25 Kgs

SINGAPORE: Knee-replacement surgery averted by The Pankaj Method®. 25 year old Arthritis pain gone!

USA: Juvenile Arthritis Pain heals in minutes, transforming Cydney into an energized, happy soul!


FRANCE: Back and shoulder pain, grief and fear – all healed for Jeremy with The Pankaj Method®

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